Why Lunch Is Inevitable Meal of The Day?

Lunch, another name for the midday break. Lunch refuels our body and provides energy to cope up with the rest of the afternoon. It not only boosts the physical health but also mental health. Breakfast might be the most important meal of the day, but one should not fail to spot the vitality of the lunch breaks as well. Skipping lunch can be harmful to the body. The basic metabolic rate of the body, lowers, resulting in diabetes. Moreover, a prolonged empty stomach will increase the hunger pangs that lead to overeating at dinner, which might result in weight gain. It can also cause emotional stress, mood swings, and poor concentration. Immobile sitting at one place can cause stress in muscles leading to stiffness, strain, and poor posture. Lunch break provides enforced mobility, a chance to stretch the spine and muscles, thus, releasing the pressure. Lunch break provides the opportunity to escape the office and gives rest to the mind. People who skip lunch breaks are often...